Clean air is a worker’s right.
ZeroSmog fume extraction units
All benefits at a glance
Health protection
- Efficient filtration for cleaner, healthier air
- High efficiency particulate and gas filtration
- Powerful blower with high flow rate
User comfort
- Easy to use
- Low maintenance
- Easy filter replacement
- ESD safe
Quiet operation
- Aerodynamic flow optimisation
- Extensive sound proofing
Indoor and outdoor air pollution ranks among the top risk factors for health issues—coming right after high blood pressure and just before smoking. Many of today’s dusts and fumes pose serious health risks when inhaled, and prolonged exposure can lead to severe, long-term conditions such as occupational asthma and other respiratory problems.
Each year, thousands of workers worldwide develop occupational lung diseases and other serious health conditions, including cancer. Hand soldering environments, in particular, have highlighted the importance of air quality, personal protective equipment (PPE), and improved hygiene practices, especially since COVID-19.
EPA’s Clean Air Act, Prop 65 regulations, pollution, pollens and COVID have lead to obligations to install filtration solutions in professional environment. In other countries legal regulations govern clean air in the workplace already, e.g. in the US the OHSA. These regulations require that hazardous substances are removed from the air to avoid harmful effects on people and machines.
Lead-free soldering produces up to 250% more particles between 0.5 and 1.0 microns in diameter, the size that is the most dangerous to inhale. In addition to particles, solder smoke can contain isocyanates, aldehydes, and other unhealthy substances.
They can penetrate deeply into the respiratory system: the smallest particles can even enter the bloodstream, significantly effects of fine dust and gas fumes on the lungs increasing health risks.
Did you know that filtration units effectively capture and filter airborne particles, fumes and vapors generated during soldering? The filter in the ZeroSmog Shield Pro is rated as an EPA E10 particulate filter, which removes over 85% of airborne particles. The activated carbon gas filter is matched to the particulate filter so that together they filter out the particles and gases in the fumes generated by approximately 300 grams of soldering wire before the filter needs to be replaced.
Filtration units help protect your and your employees' respiratory systems from the inhalation of hazardous substances and provide a healthier work environment.
By minimizing exposure to hazardous fumes, filtration units contribute to the overall health and well-being of workers, reducing the risk of respiratory problems, irritation and long-term health effects associated with exposure to harmful substances. Odor control and a safe and healthy work environment contribute to employee satisfaction and retention.
Using a filtration unit helps your organisation to comply with occupational health and safety regulations and standards in your country. They ensure safe and legally compliant workplaces potentially saving the organization from penalties and fines.
Filtration units prevent the release of hazardous pollutants into the ambient workspace as well as into the environment, so they do not only contribute to health protection but to environmental sustainability and responsibility.
Everyone knows that a workplace with clean air can reduce the likelihood of respiratory issues and illnesses, resulting in fewer sick days and decreased absenteeism among employees. Air pollution, a pervasive environmental hazard, is now recognized as the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, claiming an estimated 7 million lives annually. Investing in a filtration unit can result in long-term cost savings by reducing healthcare expenses associated with respiratory illnesses and other health issues related to hazardous substance exposure.
A cleaner and healthier workplace leads to improved worker productivity. Workers can focus on their soldering tasks with precision and performance without the distraction of solder fumes or the discomfort of health concerns related to exposure to hazardous substances.
Did you know that filtration units can prevent the corrosive effects of solder fumes on sensitive electronic components in end products? Fume extraction can contribute to the longevity and reliability of electronic equipment and reduce electronic waste.