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Weller Tools GmbH
Clean air

Are you gambling with your health?

It’s about your health, protect yourself!

What health risks can develop?A lot of today's dust and fumes are hazardous to health when inhaled. Overexposure can lead to serious and long term medical problems such as occupational asthma or other effects like:

Protect your health
Protect your health


Lead free soldering produces up to 250% more particles in the breathing zone than leaded solder. As much as 700 million small particles per cubic meter are produced, which can be transported into the aveoli.


GluingFumes from gluing can cause skin irritation, skin drying, allergic contact eczema, inhalation and asthmatic problems.


SolventsFumes from organic solvents can cause damage to the nervous system, with symptoms of reduced sensibility, restless legs and arms.

Clean air
Clean air

Protect yourself!

  • 30 minutes exposure to airborne particles and gases per day is enough to cause health problems.
  • 30 minutes exposure per day means approximately 110 h / year or 14 workdays with continuous exposure to hazardous gases and particles
  • Soldering tests with a net mounted in the nozzle showed 90 minutes later that the net was completely clogged.

10 important things you need to know if you work with hazardous gases and particles!

  1. Long term exposure to airborne particles and gases can course permanent damage to human beings.
  2. Thousands of workers all over the world contract occupational lung and other diseases, including cancer, each year. They develop those because they breathe in too much dust, fumes or other airborne contaminants at work. *HSE Health & Safety Executive in Great Britain
  3. At least 20 % of employees in the soldering area indicate clinical symptoms of asthma. *Results from a study made in USA & Europe
  4. Occupational asthma is a major issue in electronics manufacturing because when a person develops occupational asthma he / she must be moved from that working area.
  5. Breathing with occupational asthma feels like breathing through a straw.
  6. Once a personal develops asthma, the symptoms are permanent and irreversible.
  7. Almost everyone who works in an industrial environment comes in contact with chemicals which contain a solvent.
  8. Most of dangerous gases are invisible to the eye.
  9. For people with heart diseases, short term exposure to hazardous airborne particles, can be linked to heart attacks and abnormal heart rhythms.
  10. The combination of being exposed to both gases and airborne particles is more dangerous than only being exposed to gases.

How do I get the best protection?

  1. Weller filter systems offer the best possible protection to the operator by extracting dangerous fumes and capturing airborne particles at highest levels.
  2. The fume extraction systems are mobile and can be moved around the workplace.
  3. The filtration systems are easy to install and have low service requirements.
  4. The noise levels of Weller fume extraction systems are very low, additionally protecting the operator from excessive noise pollution in manufacturing areas
  5. The Weller fume extraction product range consists of various products that can be used for different applications.
  6. The filters have a long lifetime.